1 Comment

Hello Raphael, thank you for the informative article! It does indeed appear that "policy action by the authorities is propable" toward Bitcoin. Though the early history of government responses to Bitcoin can indicate that "banning Bitcoin is hard if not impossible", the past government responses have been isolated. In my view, a coordinated intergovernmental effort, not to ban, but to fully control the Bitcoin network is likely to be the ultimate governmental response. https://davido-davido.medium.com/no-joy-the-coming-complete-governmental-control-of-bitcoin-5830f5fffd5d

I do agree that "Even if the worst-case scenario happens, ... I doubt this will hold forever." Satoshi's idea that money can exist outside of State control, will rise again, and again. The fight for freedom, monetary or personal, is continual from generation to generation. Thanks for this post.

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